Preserve Canterbury's Historic Campus

Invest in Academic, Athletic, and Facility Improvements
Canterbury’s scenic campus and historic stone buildings are among the School’s greatest assets. As a community, we are committed to preserving the aesthetic and functional value of these structures to ensure long-lasting service for future generations of students.
A recent buildings and grounds study revealed a significant inventory of needs on campus. It also resulted in a ten-year roadmap to systematically address these needs. Through the Mission and Momentum Campaign, we now have the chance to make substantial progress in implementing this plan.
Our campus is an extraordinary gift that
must be stewarded to ensure that current
and future generations of students live
and learn in an environment that allows
them to perform at their very best.
—Nick Ragland ’88, P '23
Campus Needs
$2.5 Million
• Modernize Energy and Utility Infrastructure
$1 Million
• Renovate Maguire Auditorium
$1 Million
• Replace Field House Playing Surface
• Replace Roof and Repair Siding at O’Neill Arena (Ice Rink)
• Resurface Tennis Courts
$.5 Million
• Upgrade Interior and Exterior of Student Dormitories
and Faculty Housing