Secure Canterbury's Future

Grow the Endowment for Student and Faculty Support

Investing in Canterbury’s Endowment generates income for years to come, providing the School flexibility to respond to new opportunities, the ability to plan and make long-term decisions, and the security of a strong financial foundation.

Today Canterbury’s Endowment stands at $32 million—impressive growth when you consider that it has more than doubled in the past ten years. Yet, the reality is that for a school of our size and caliber, our endowment is modest compared to peer institutions. This means that Canterbury relies more heavily on tuition to meet our needs, making us more susceptible to economic volatility.



Establishing Named Endowment Funds 

Gifts to Canterbury's Endowment may be unrestricted or established specifically to support our students, faculty and programs.


As education costs continue to rise, endowments guarantee that financial aid resources are permanently available to attract and retain the most talented and diverse students, regardless of their ability to afford tuition. 


Endowments for faculty support recognize and invest in Canterbury's exemplary teachers, ensuring our ability to provide competitive salaries and encourage continued professional development.  


Endowed funds support innovation and learning in the classroom as well as the School’s athletic, artistic, community service, and spiritual programs.


Unrestricted endowments to support the general purposes of the School provide a steady stream of revenue for years to come, enhancing our our agility to address top priorities and respond to emerging opportunities in curriculum and the student experience.


Who Manages Canterbury’s Endowment?

Verger Capital Management, a leading investment advisory that exclusively stewards capital for non-profit organizations, was hired in 2017 by the Board of Trustees to manage Canterbury’s growing Endowment. Established in 2014, Verger is run by Jim Dunn P ’15, the firm’s Chief Executive and Investment Officer. Formerly Jim was Vice-President and CIO at Wake Forest University, responsible for investment of endowment, life income assets and working capital of over $1.4 billion.




"I consider it an honor and privilege to leave a tangible and meaningful legacy
from which future generations of students and faculty will benefit."

—jack heffernan ’58
Established the Jules Viau Chair in Foreign Languages